Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Rosary - "Rosary Stars" - DVD

Hat Tip to Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S.

Are you too overwhelmed to pray?

If so, offer it up!  Then get out your rosary. 

Much of what is taking place in the world are opportunities for spiritual growth...prime stuff...GRACE-FILLED opportunities!  All we need to do is ask for the grace.

I've coined a few new terms for my possible future (I'm prayerfully asking what HE wants before I 'jump-ahead' of HIM; want to do what HE wants of me) rosaries (taken from football lingo): "Two-A-Days", "Three-A-Days", "Four-A-Days".

I encourage you to get moving and use those 'spiritual muscles' that HE has been preparing...if you don't use them...you may loose them! ; )

Btw...I'm a whiner and really whimpy...so I know how difficult and troubling all this 'stuff' is...offer that up and move on from it. Ask for the grace...HE'LL send it ALL the time! I promise, so get out that rosary...GO FOR IT!

Prayer and & action are our weapons...NO FEAR!